Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Nothing is impossible to God ; but..!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
The Light Eternal
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Liberator
Everybody needs liberation - Liberation from everything that makes us unhappy and
worthless in life.
St. Paul was a liberated man. He was liberated from things which once he deemed to be
of worth . He found the meaning and purpose of his life . He became strong and happy .
This happened after his encounter with Christ on the Damascus Road. See what he says
about his life thereafter :
" For me to live is Christ and to die is gain " - Philippians 1:21
" I desire to depart and be with Christ which is better by far " - Verse 23
What he means by this ? The whole meaning of his life is Christ ; The purpose of his life
is to live for Christ! Is it not?
Then the next question :
Who is this Christ to be the meaning and purpose of his life?
He answers in his letter to the Ephesians 1 : 22 - 23 -
He is the Fulness of God Imparted to man in the vessel of Jesus.
In his letter to the colossians 2:9 he says :
" For in Christ all the fulness of the Deity lives in bodily form , and you have been given fulness in Christ "
Do you want to know more about this Christ who came in bodily form in Jesus ?
You are welcome to contact us !